This week I got back to the vision I had for these. A mixture of photos of my daughter and other random things I take photos of during the day. I'm trying not to get too cliche with my advice and give it all from the heart, and incorporating things from the day versus being general Day 69 is a good example of what I mean.
I also started creating a Blurb book to print these all in at the end of the year. It's going to be a pricey project but I think it'll be so worth it to have a hard-back version for
If you have any ideas of advice or photos for Lil' J, please share! I'll totally link you if I adapt your idea!
My favorite one this week was Day 71. My husband cooperated and let me take a photo of our hands for my photo today (he was tricked into the last photo). In a world that defines so many people by how they look or seem on the outside, I think that advice is pretty important.
I may go back to posting these on my facebook page daily this week. It gives me something fun to look forward to before bed. But it also keeps me up late, so we'll see.