We are both so big now that we're obviously showing. I was at Lowe's last week and a man asked me how far along I was, and yesterday a woman stopped me on the street... Recognizing me from work, and said "I didn't know you were pregnant, you look great!" It was a nice compliment, but a little strange to me since I didn't realize how "out there" we are! A few more people today asked me when I was due too. I guess I'm finally feeling "officially pregnant."
You're kicking harder and harder now every day! Sometimes you even startle me with your kicking. I've been trying to get it on camera but you always stop kicking when I start recording you stubborn girl you!!
I'm still having fun making you things. Your tutu count is up to 4 and I'm going to make you ladybug wings next week!
We have a gestational diabetes test on Monday so we'll see if I'm going to need to change my diet much. I think I've been eating well for the most part so I'm hoping it turns out ok. 
We're also suppose to get another ultrasound of you since we didn't get one last time, to get a better shot of your face and umbilical cord. I hope we get to do that Monday, and I'm kinda wanting to check and make sure you're still a girl. I've had this fear that you'd come out as a boy and have all of these dresses!
If we don't get an ultrasound at the doctor's office I'm thinking we may go get a 3D one. They seem kind of cool and I'd love to see better what you look like! I'll have to double check how far along they recommend you be again but I think I'm about in that good time range. You just won't be as chubby as you'll be once you're born.

Like I mentioned before, I'm quite obviously pregnant now. I have a big round belly, though other parts of my body haven't filled out as much as I thought. My pre-pregnancy size 4 jeans still fit (cause they're low-rise) and most of my other things fit well with a bellaband.
Sleeping has gotten more difficult but I have the BEST pregnancy pillow to help with that, and I'm sleeping much better with that... I just am having more frequent bathroom breaks at night.
Overall I'm feeling well. I can tell my hormones are controlling my emotions a little more. Your daddy has been the sweetest man alive! He helps me so much, but the smallest things someone says or does can set me off and make me cry. Or if I'm angry about something it's completely magnified and I can get overly emotional.
I'm trying to get better at that. I want to go to prenatal yoga again this next Tuesday. If not, I REALLY need to start using my prenatal YOGA dvds (haha, I had "yoda" before... preggo brain). I think exercising more and yoga will help balance out my stress and emotions.
You don't stress me out though. I haven't been worried about taking care of you at all. I feel very confidant about that! It just all of the stuff I'd like to do to prepare for you that gets me a little worked up sometimes. But once you get here, it's gonna be all about you!!
Sleep well little one! Keep growing strong!
Mommy Bound giveaway winner: Random.org says #11! Jennifer. Congratulations! Please email me so I can get you your prize! Babymakingmachine{at}gmail.com.