Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Made a Pillowcase Dress!

I'm standing by my stance that I'm not crafty... But I'm taking a stab at new crafts as a part of my apparent nesting craze.

I'm not going to post a DIY for this one right now, I'm sure you could google and find lots of tutorials. I like this tutorial on Baby Rabies, but it's a little different than the one I made since I added more frill and ribbon. I found her tutorial after I made mine and quite honestly I kinda just "wong it" with this one and didn't follow measurements or a pattern besides holding it up to a couple of other dresses I've bought for her.

Not bad for my first one but I'm going to make another attempt soon!I was hoping it would come out about 3 month-size but it's really small, more like newborn size. So hopefully she'll be more around 7lbs when she's born and not like her more than 10lb daddy! We'll see!

Promise the next one I make (if it's cuter) I'll post all my own DIY instructions so you can make your own pillowcase dress!

What do you think? Like it?