Thursday, February 25, 2010

To Doula or Not to Doula?

"My husband does not want a doula, he wants it to be more of an experience between us, and I honestly don’t really think I need one either. I know they can be very helpful and supportive and help tremendously through labor, but I also know they can be expensive, and not necessary. Not necessary, meaning most women I know survive labor without them, and I think we could too. But I’ve had lots and lots of doulas on Twitter tell me I need one, that it’s worth every penny, and that my birthing experience will surely be way better with one… Actually, I’d be crazy not to hire one.

While appealing, I wasn’t buying it. But, I decided I would at least consider a doula, and do a little research before completely throwing the option out..."

That's a part of my new post today on Parenting Magazine's site. Read the rest here! And please share your thoughts with me... Here or there!

I'm still feeling a little overwhelmed and not finding time to update this blog as much as I normally do so I'm posting another link to my new post today on Parenting's site. Hope you don't mind. I'm beginning to run behind on giveaways too so I'll try to get one up tomorrow. More updates soon! Oh, and I finished Spawnie's mobile. I'll post about that soon too!

And are any of you going to be at the CIMS (Coalotion for Improving Maternity Services) Conference this weekend? I'm speaking on a panel with some great women! Topic: "Blogging for a Better Birth" Let me know if you'll be there! Hope to meet some of you!