I'm a sucker for infomercials. I try not to watch them but on the weekends, when I'm working there's one television above my desk that always shows the most appealing infomercials. I've already bought Smooth Away, Mighty Mendit, I'm about to go buy a Smamwow, and as soon as they release the college addition Snuggies, I'm all on that!
Given my background on infomercials I'm pretty much doomed when I see something somewhat relevant to me. If it's sold in stores, I'll search for it and purchase it the same week.
Last night it wasn't an infomercial that caught my attention, but one of those women commercials by First Response ...The kind that makes you think 'I hope my husband's not watching'. I actually like their pregnancy test commercials, (and when I've had a few scares in the past I was always sure to use their kits). But it wasn't a pregnancy test that caught my eye this time.
The commercial showed different women asking the same question "am I fertile?" We've all gotta ask ourselves that at some point in time right (or am I just crazy?) I've actually even found myself wondering if that's why I haven't had a "slip up" like some of my friends. It sounds strange but when you know as many people as I do who "accidentally" got knocked up, you begin to wonder if it just happens to everyone... And perhaps the reason it hasn't happened to me is because I'm... *gasp*... not fertile.
I successfully made it though my first month of Natural Family Planning method(s) as BC and stayed un-pregnant. While this is very good news, I am beginning to wonder even more if maybe I wouldn't get pregnant anyway.
Regardless if it's all in my mind, it's something I've spent some time wondering about and I think I'm going to give this so-called Fertility Test (no, not an ovulation test, that tells you when you're fertile this is suppose to tell you IF you're fertile at all!) a try. It tests your FSH level and can basically tell if your egg quantity and quality is good. Obviously if there is something else wrong I wouldn't know, but this would be a nice confidence booster anyway right? Just nice to know I think--Worth it to get a little piece of mind, right? You're suppose to take it on day 3 of your cycle and that's tomorrow for me. Just not sure if it's $25 for two tests worth it... Maybe I should save the cash, buy a new shirt, and eventually take my chances.