An anxious look crosses the face of a new mother--She rushes to hush her baby, afraid to disturb others, or over-frustrate her child.
There's the tenured mom, who keeps smiling as she listens to the speaker--As if she hears no other sound. Has she learned to tune it out?
Just an isle in front of me there's the expectant mother, pregnant with her first child. She smiles in awe at the piercing sound--The look on her face says she's listening to a beautiful song.
There's the married woman, not yet pregnant and not yet trying who forces a smile on her face, perhaps covering up slight annoyance as she watches the anxious mother leave the room with her wailing baby. She sits, watches and smiles--Probably thinking 'I'm so glad that's not me,' or wondering how soon she'll be on that end of the spectrum, and how she'll be different.
Then there's me, somewhat indifferent, studying the room of women and their response to the crying baby. I feel like I connect with each of the women on different levels. Compassion. Respect. Envy. Understanding.
One day I'll have experienced every vantage point. Witnessed the beauty from every angle. But for today, I'm enjoying the view from my window.
No matter you're style: crunchy, chewy, soggy, cloth/disposable, boob/bottle, Current Mommy/Future Mommy, you are an amazing woman and have great worth!
Happy Mother's Day!