First, the would likes. These are things that aren't absolutely necessary, but I would like to have them done before I even get pregnant.
-Take a dance class with my hubby: The reason I say before I'm pregnant is because I doubt I'll have time to do after we have a baby and I think I'll have a lot on my mind when I am, and less energy to talk him into it.
-Swim with dolphins: I'm not sure they allow pregnant women to do this so I'd like to do it either before, or way later when my kids can do it too.
-Take the GRE: I think if I don't do it now I won't do it for a long time, and I'd rather attempt to
-Visit New York City: I could do this while I'm pregnant but I'd rather not be on the phat end of my pregnancy. I'm actually hoping to go this fall, so I can cross it off my list.
-Start grad school: I'm not sure how I'll do this as fast as I'd like but I'd love to get a Master's Degree just so I have more options later in life.
Some things that I would like to have done before I have a child, but I could complete them while I'm pregnant, or possibly even after having a baby.
-Have a 3-month food supply: I'm getting there as well. I have been busing water jugs and pasta every time I'm at the store, and I have a lot of MREs so hopefully we're almost there.
-Learn Yoga: I really want to do this because I hear it's helpful during pregnancy for stretching, and it's relaxing. I think it'll be a nice activity for a stressed mind.
-Visit Trinidad: My hubby lived there for a year on his mission, and apparently my ancestors are from that country. I'd love to take an exotic vacation there, but I also wouldn't mind bringing our kids along one day if we could afford it.
Some things that I would absolutely like to have done before having a child and possibly even before I get pregnant.
A few other things I'd like to have done ASAP just to make my life easier would be:
-Complete grad school: Like stated above
-Out of debt: We don't have student loans or credit card debt but I'd like to pay off our only "real debt"...our second car.
-Sell my condo: If I wait until this happens it'll be at least another year and a half. Luckily we have a wonderful renter to help with the mortgage but I'd feel even better if I DIDN'T OWN IT!
-Buy another house: I don't want to do it until our condo now is sold but I'd REALLY like to have a house of our own again before we have a kid, preferably my dream house, in a place we'd like to call home forever, because I hate moving.
-Have my own company (or lots of freelance work) on the side, or something to that effect that I could eventually solely do from home.
As I look at this overwhelming list I wonder how long it will take and when it'll be possible. I actually hoped next month at one point, then maybe December, but now, dwelling over this... Who knows!
I'm really discouraged and wondering how long I should wait. Maybe another 5 years wouldn't be so bad... Jeez. I wonder if I could suppress the urge that long. Some days the urge overpowers everything, but then there are days when I dwell on these things and it squashes my baby dreams for awhile. I know having (most of) these things first isn't more important than having a family but sometimes I wonder how specific the order needs to be. I'll be better off for sure if I complete some of these tasks first. I could focus more on my family when the time comes, and probably have less struggles and frustrations, but would my internal frustrations until then be stronger?
To make myself feel better I'm going to list what I feel like I've accomplished and blessings I've recieved in nearly 5 years that's prepared me for a child.
-Earned enough scholarships to pay for college and then some
-Graduated from college (with a 3.3 and I'm very proud of that)
-Bought and paid off my (crappy) car a year later
-Bought a another reliable, safe (possibly family) car that we hope to drive FOREVER!
-After 3 years finally convinced my husband we should get a dog (good practice)
-Bought a condo
-Got several jobs building up my career
-Have several months worth of savings
-Practiced babysitting lots of cute kiddos
-Gone on two cruises as a couple and several vacations (couple time important)
-Signed a contract at a news station in a city with warm weather
-Got TIVO (yes, this was actually on our baby bucket list)
-Signed up for premuim health insurance which is for the most part da bomb dot com!
-Began to like to cook
-Started collecting food storage
-Eating less french fries (hey, it's hard, it's my favorite food)
-Found a church ward we LOVE and started a calling I adore
-Searched pondered and prayed A LOT about expanding our family
Ok I'm depressed now. Were/are your baby bucket lists this long? How did you decided to proceed?