You may have seen the above car seat, the Graco Snugride, before. For one thing, its the most common celebrity-owned infant car seat on the market. Its also extremely popular amongst us regular people as well, gracing the shelves of every baby store from the common Target to the hippster Babystyle to the posh Albee's on the Upper West Side. Graco is everywhere.
We recently got a Snugride and matching stroller, the SnugRider (also uber-popular), to test out and here's what we found. First, let me say that I love the new EPS foam that Graco introduced this year into their Snugrides (The SafeSeat has it too). EPS foam is an energy absorbing foam, the same thing they use inside bike helmets. It's used to protect the head from sudden impact. As of 2007, all Snugrides have this in them.
I took off the fabric cushion on the car seat and looked inside. The foam is GREAT! There's new layers and you could beat it with your hand and feel nothing. Extremely cool.
We also really loved the double infant head support. If you've ever have a baby, you'll know that most newborns require this for their heads. Most people have to buy them separately, but the Metropolitan model and a few others actually come with the double head support. It's a very strong head support too. As you can see, his head stayed in place.
Another big plus was that the harness straps adjust at the front of the seat. That made it so much easier to get a better fit. And the harness straps were really thick and comfortable too.
And now on to the SnugRider stroller.

This product came out not long ago, and already it's been seen quite a bit. Julia Roberts and Sheryl Crowe both bought one this year for their new babies. And after testing it, it's obvious why. It's a great buy. It's only 12 pounds, which means you can take it anywhere. But you'd never know it was so small considering how easy it is to push. Even a child can do it.
The basket is HUGE, about the same size as a Quattro Tour's basket. The cup holders are big too. Everything is big, even the handles which adjust for different heights. And it only weighs 12 lbs? Yup.
Plus it was made exclusively for Graco, so you don't have to worry about rather or not your seat will fit like with other snap-on stroller frames. It works with the SafeSeat as well.
All in all, this combo was great. If you're pregnant, run don't walk to your nearest Graco store. You know you have one nearby, no matter where you live. And Graco also has an online store too. There's no excuse not to get this!