The newest baby carrier on the market is the PortaMEe carrier and it's also one of the most beautiful and stylish carriers you will ever find. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were among the first to own one, and now you can too. The PortaMEe is for babies 5 months to 3 years. It is the exclusive baby carrier with ergonomic lumbar support to reduce back fatigue, as well as the ability to maintain eye contact with your child.
The PortaMEe is constructed with fine fabric and is leather trimmed with pockets for your mobile phone, Blackberry, wallet, diapers and even has an insulated bottle holder. All the compartments snap off easily so you don't have to carry all of them at once. I received one recently and I can truly say that it is one of the best carriers I have ever tried on. Totally worth the price.
Get one at Best & Co. online now.