Gwen Stefani had her second baby shower last Saturday. The party took place at her home in Los Feliz, CA and included many famous guests. One of those people was Christina Aguilera, pictured above carrying her gift for Gwen. The gift is a wrapped up Fleurville Mothership diaper bag in Houndstooth, along with a See Me Smile panda mirror. I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can see. You can purchase these things at Babystyle.
Monday, May 8, 2006
Gwen Stefani's Baby Shower
Gwen Stefani had her second baby shower last Saturday. The party took place at her home in Los Feliz, CA and included many famous guests. One of those people was Christina Aguilera, pictured above carrying her gift for Gwen. The gift is a wrapped up Fleurville Mothership diaper bag in Houndstooth, along with a See Me Smile panda mirror. I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can see. You can purchase these things at Babystyle.